لقد اصبح فريق JPCSP يتقدم كثيراً بشكل ملحوظ , النسخة الأخيرة من برنامج JPCSP اصبحت تتمتع بمميزات اكبر و تم اصلاح الكثير من العيوب بها .و فيما يلي توضيح للتغيرات الي حدثت للبرنامج :-
JPCSP v0.4 Revision 1368 changelog:
Revision 1368: Turned a few inner classes into static inner classes. Two that could be are not modified because the ide can’t open the visiual editor of their parent class. ( i don’t know why, have’t touched them). They are :
Revision 1367: Was not removing the interrupt handler, but removing a collection from itself (similar names).
Revision 1366: Implemented LISTLOAD and LISTSAVE savedata modes.
Added missing call to hleKernelExitThread in hleKernelAsyncLoop.
Revision 1365: Avoid null pointer exception in sceIoCloseAsync.
Revision 1364: Avoid null pointer exception in sceIoChangeAsyncPriority.
Revision 1368: Turned a few inner classes into static inner classes. Two that could be are not modified because the ide can’t open the visiual editor of their parent class. ( i don’t know why, have’t touched them). They are :
Revision 1367: Was not removing the interrupt handler, but removing a collection from itself (similar names).
Revision 1366: Implemented LISTLOAD and LISTSAVE savedata modes.
Added missing call to hleKernelExitThread in hleKernelAsyncLoop.
Revision 1365: Avoid null pointer exception in sceIoCloseAsync.
Revision 1364: Avoid null pointer exception in sceIoChangeAsyncPriority.